Well hello there. I’m Jay, a web & app developer, podcaster, and unemployed philosopher. I make all sorts of things, some made of atoms, most are made of bits. I’ve collected them all here (and a few of my thoughts too). Catch me on online @JayMutzafi

Main Projects

Web/iOS Development

As a web developer I worked at companies like LuckyBrand.com & PacificIslands.com, and built websites for professionals and small businesses. As an iOS Developer I’ve made a fun Trivia Game, with a few more apps in development. I’m also available for hire.

Paracosm Labs

I am the founder of Paracosm Labs. We are working on something out of this world, a device that will finally make lucid dreaming completely effortless. It’s called Kensho. Stay tuned for more on this soon…

The Citizen Philosophy Podcast

To scratch my philosophical itch I host a podcast that is meant to explore philosophy for anyone who enjoys it, with or without credentials. Subscribe Here.

The Lucid Dreaming Podcast

Lucid Dreaming is a fascination and a passion of mine. I’ve started a podcast on the subject as a way to immerse myself in it and dive deeper. Subscribe Here.

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